Saturday, August 2, 2008


Matty has arrived!! We got into Rome early in the mourning, found a place to stay and had about 10 hours to kill until the arrival of the man, the myth, the legend. We cruised around the river, went to the Vatican, Gordy bought a Tri-pod, and ate some pasta that wasn't half as good as the pasta in the states. We couldn't get inside the Vatican because some guy told us it was ˝private˝ so instead of seeing the Sistine Chapel, we ate Gelato. We took a nap and waited for the hostage taker to arrive.

Matt showed up sweating like crazy due to the humidity. We went out and decided to see Rome at night. We met a bunch of sloppy British and Canadian girls on a bar crawl. Besides that Rome was absolutely dead; Not a person to be seen anywhere. We went back to our ghetto abode and just caught up with Matty. It was great to see him. We were laughing and being so loud that our neighbor in our hotel had to tell us to ˝speak more slowly˝.

The next day Gordy and Matt went to the Colosseum while Sam slept in and purchased a hotel room for another night. The Colosseum was fun to just roam around screaming ˝Spaniard! Spaniard! Spaniard!˝. We took a guided tour and learned a bunch of useless information about the Colosseum, like the marble was stolen by some pope to make the Vatican, the Colosseum then started to collapse without the marble, so the pope rebuilt it and put his name on it, true story.

When Gordy and Matt got back to the hotel, at around 5pm, Sam had not bought the hotel room for the next night and they had not kicked us out. We decided to capitalize on the situation and stay for as long as we could for free. We showered, napped, and at 10pm we left and decided to party all night until our 6am flight. Bad idea...

First we couldn't find a bar, club, or even restaurant open after 11. So since there was nothing to do we decided to go to the airport and sleep there before our flight. Another horrible idea, the airport was closed. Only in a rank third world country like Italy would a busy airport close. We slept outside on the dirty floor and when we awoke got on the plane for Venice.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Rome (and all of Italy for that matter) is always dead in August! It's called Ferragosto (see the Wiki link below). Italians typically take the entire month off on holiday. Now that's what I call good living!